What is PBS Charlotte's 3-D Project Dreamers-Doers-Destiny?
Find out more about PBS Charlotte's 3-D Project
In an effort to assist with the upward mobility crisis, PBS Charlotte created a four-year community engagement campaign beginning in the fall of 2017 .
This three-part project uses media to show people how to not just be dreamers, but doers with an emphasis on pathways to success and career exploration in order to broaden their horizons about what their destiny could be.
Watch the "I Have A Dream" Speeches

We are currently working with groups of talented and smart students at Garinger High School and young adults from the Charlotte area. Get to know them, their dreams and how they are in control of their destiny by visiting our weekly Facebook live posts.
Includes content broadcast on PBS Charlotte, which will include, but is not limited to:
- Thirty-two (8 per year) five-minute features in our award winning signature series Carolina Impact
- Promos spotlighting successful people who have pulled themselves out of poverty
- Four town halls-one each of the four years
- One documentary

Part Two: DOERS
Follows students from CMS who have earned the CPCC opportunity scholarships and track their progress toward success to their associate’s degrees and into the first two years of their professional careers/continuing education.
Learn more about Central Piedmont's Opportunity Scholarship program and meet some of the students who have earned the scholarship.
Meet three of our 3D project graduates who have earned a Central Piedmont Opportunity Scholarship.
Part Three: DESTINY
PBS Charlotte staff will teach CMS students at Garinger, Vance, Harding, West Mecklenburg and West Charlotte production skills to groups of 30 students at each school for six weeks throughout the school year.