Vance High School
Tuesday, Dec. 5, 2017
Our second class of 3-D Project: Dreamers, Doers, Destiny students arrived from Vance High School ready to record their "I Have a Dream" speeches. Students were able to practice their speeches in front of a camera while reading the prompter before going live. Professionally mic'd and listening for their cues, these high school teenagers were very impressive in their speaking skills and lifelong goals. To watch, click on any individual's photo below.
Vance High School
Wednesday, September 27, 2017
The inaugural 3-D Project: Dreamers, Doers, Destiny students from Vance High School traveled to PBS Charlotte's studio to record their individual "I Have a Dream" speeches. Students were able to practice their speeches in front of a camera while reading the promter before going live. Professionally mic'd and listening for their cues, these high school teenagers were very impressive in their speaking skills and lifelong goals. To watch, click on any individual's photo below.