WTVI PBS Charlotte has served citizens in the Carolinas for over fifty years. On August 27, 1965, WTVI began broadcasting “Your Stories” about “Your Community” on “Your PBS Charlotte”.
PBS Charlotte is licensed by Central Piedmont Community College and offers high quality, noncommercial, educational programs. PBS broadcasts include award-winning children’s programming, ground-breaking documentaries and original performances.
PBS Charlotte features locally produced programs that tell “Your Stories” about “Your Community”.
“Your PBS Charlotte” station reaches over 1.1 million households across 13 counties in the central Piedmont region. PBS Charlotte actively supports local education, highlights local cultural events and promotes citizenship across all electronic media platforms to serve the public interest and further the mission of its parent institution, Central Piedmont Community College.
Vision, Mission and Values
PBS Charlotte will be our region's first choice for public media and a catalyst for continuous improvement.
Channeling curiosity and connecting communities.
People trust PBS Charlotte to provide programs of quality that engage the mind and spirit, that promote personal growth and lifelong learning, and that connect the community. People also want PBS Charlotte to be a safe haven for children.
In order to maintain this trust, PBS Charlotte staff upholds the qualities of trust (respect for the viewer), quality (high production standards), intelligence (programs that challenge the mind), balance (impartial, factual, little “spin”), uniqueness (different, unusual focus), and variety (diversity in genre, perspective, and niche).
Organizational Information
Board of Trustees Meetings
PBS Charlotte makes information available of open meetings of the licensee of WTVI–the governing Board of Trustees of the Central Piedmont Community College (CPCC)–to interested members of the public. To see CPCC Board of Trustees members and 2015 meeting dates please visit: Board of Trustees — Central Piedmont Community College.
The meetings of the Board of Trustees shall be in compliance with North Carolina General Statue 143-Article 33C Meetings of Public Bodies. A closed session is permitted as specified by General Statute 143-318.11 and may be held in any meeting upon a majority vote of the members present.
Such minutes and accounts shall be Public Records within the meaning of the Public Records Law, G.S. 132-1 et seq.; provided, however, that minutes or an account of a closed session conducted in compliance with G.S. 143-318.11 may be withheld from public inspection so long as public inspection would frustrate the purpose of a closed session.
WTVI PBS Charlotte Community Advisory Council Members
Robin Cochran
Wilton Connor
Susan Cybulski
Donna De Molina
Christina Kropac
Laura Little
Diane Lumpkin Peery
J. Brandon Neal
Patricia “Patty” Norman
Sally Saussy
DeAlva Wilson