How to Submit a New Content Development Proposal
PBS Charlotte receives hundreds of program proposals each year, most of which contain very good ideas. In order to give each idea its fair and proper consideration, we ask that all producers follow the same process.
Write a one-page description of your project with the following information:
- Target age, audience, demographic
- Length of program, number of episodes if a series
- Proposed funder
- Production timeline
Attach a one-page budget giving as much information on income and expenses as possible. Include any in-kind contributions you have identified.
Clearly display your contact information. Video or other materials you submit will not be returned to you unless you provide a pre-paid mailer.
If your project is already produced, you will find it helpful to visit http://about.lunchbox.pbs.org/about/producing-pbs/ even though you are not submitting your proposal to PBS. We do follow all the same editorial and technical specifications.
Send your proposal to:
Amy Burkett, General Manager
PBS Charlotte
3242 Commonwealth Avenue
Charlotte, NC 28205
Our editorial committee meets monthly to review all projects and will be in touch with you.
Thank you for your interest in public television. We wish you the best of fortune in your creative endeavors.
Do You Have a Story Idea for Carolina Impact?
To submit a story idea for Carolina Impact please contact
Amy Burkett, General Manager